Scatter Graph Presentation

by Milo and Gwydion

Hand span and wrist circumference.

The first correlation was hand span and wrist circumference,

There is a weak correlation in the middle of this graph, there is some similarites between the data.

Time spent on our phones.

The next correlation was time spent on phone and time spent on social media

There is some correlation between time spent on phone and time spent on social media as when you are on social media you are on your phone and social media is the main thing people do on them.

Where year 8 lives

42 year 8 students live in southwark. Only 3 students live in Kensington and Chelsea.

Star Sign

Our star sign

The year 8 star sign is Aquarius with 17 of us. The smallest star sign is Pisces.

How we get to school

How we get to school

The majority of year 8 get to school by school coaches with the equivelant of 2 and a half forms getting the school coach.

The average year 8 student

The average year 8 is:


Mean-162cm Median-163cm Mode-160cm tall

Lives in southwark

Gets the school coach

Has aquarius as their star sign

Has a hand span of... Mean-19cm Median-19.5cm Mode-20cm

A wrist circumference of... Mean-14cm Median-15cm Mode-16cm

Spends half an hour to get to school

Has Mean-1 Median-1 Mode-1 sibling

Their longest hair is... Mean-27cm Median-31.5cm Mode-8cm

Gets Mean-8 Median-8 Mode-9 hours sleep on a school night

Is Mean-158 Median-160 Mode-162 months old

Spends Mean-2 Median-2 Mode-2 hours on their phone

Their right foot is Mean-23cm Median-24cm Mode-23cm long

Spends Mean-60 minutes Median-12.5 minutes Mode-0 hour on social media

Isn't vegan or vegetarian.

12.5% of the year is vegan or vegetarian.

From wikipedia showing percentage of population who are vegan/vegetarian
