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Patch 1.59 "Flaming Arrows"

Patch 1.59 "Flaming Arrows"

Patch Video

Click for Strv 81 Profile

New Tank Profile, Stridsvagn 81 (Strv 81)

The Strv-81's additional armament comes in the form of three French anti-tank guided missiles SS.11 (in the Swedish army, they received the designation Robot.52). The missiles are attached in open launchers on the right side of the tank's turret. Each missile weighs 30 kg, with a warhead weight of 8 kg. The armour piercing characteristics of the ATGMs amounts to 600 mm with a direct hit, meaning the tank can penetrate any armoured target in War Thunder.

The Robot.52 missiles are first-generation ATGMs. In practice in the game, the difference between first and second generation ATGMs consists in the way the missile is controlled in flight. With first-generation ATGMs, the player can control the missile in Realistic and Simulator Battles via the movement keys. Arcade Battle players won't see a difference between the ATGM generations - all guided missiles in this mode are controlled with the mouse via the tank sight. ATGMs on the Centurion III are an undeniably nice bonus to the standard weaponry of this good British tank. Each of the three missiles can potentially deprive the opponent of one tank - it all depends on the tanker's skill to launch the missiles in a timely manner and lead their death-dealing warheads to the vital compartments of the enemy tank.

Click for M551 - Sheridan Profile

M551 - Sheridan

No tank is more strongly associated with the Vietnam War than the Sheridan. Designed as a vehicle for US aerial landing troops of a new generation, and tested in 1963, the Sheridan became a truly innovative tank. The M551's hull used aluminum armour, its primary weaponry was a 152 mm M81 cannon in addition to a launcher for anti-tank guided missiles. The tank was made as light as possible for aerial transportation and parachute landing. The series production of the Sheridan continued from 1966 to 1970, but the tank saw use even later.

The Sheridan first saw battle in 1969, arriving in Vietnam at the very height of the conflict. The tank became indispensable to the US, but just as it had advantages, so it had certain weaknesses. The vehicle's low weight and ability to move through water (with the addition of a special flotation screen) allowed it to achieve unusual mobility in the wet conditions of the Vietnamese jungle, but at the same time the vehicle's armour was weak, and its weaponry difficult to use and maintain. The recoil of the 152 mm cannon was so powerful that it sometimes injured the crew, and, of course, negatively affected the accuracy of aimed artillery fire. But on the whole, the Sheridan performed well and turned into a kind of symbol for the Vietnam War. In War Thunder, the Sheridan will be one of the most unusual high-ranked tanks in the US arsenal. In comparison to the Soviet IT-1, which we spoke about previously, the M551 is far more lightly armoured, but is armed with a flexible cannon/launcher mount after researching a special modification for which the player gains access to ATGMs. The ability to fire both artillery shells and ATGMs compensates for many of this lightly armoured tank’s flaws. In spite of its highly accurate missile weaponry, the Sheridan will most likely perform best on small and medium maps, where it is easier to hide from enemy shells behind a hill or structure and the ballistics and recoil of the 152 mm cannon won't ruin aimed shots against a distant opponent.

Click for Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar Profile

Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar - The high-calibre Grouch

The Brummbar (German - "grounchy bear") is a self-propelled gun on a Pz.IV medium tank chassis, created to directly accompany infantry in urban warfare and to destroy fortified structures. The SPG was produced from 1943 to 1945 and took part in battles on both the Eastern and Western fronts. Advancing in battles alongside storm troops, the Brummbar suppressed firing positions and destroyed sniper and machine gun nests with the help of its monstrously powerful gun - the 150 mm Stu.H 43 (L/12) howitzer. The Brummbar's excellent armour protected it not only from bullets and shrapnel, but also from anti-tank guns - the armoured frontal projection reaches 100 mm in thickness at a reasonable sloped angle.

The military classified this tank as a 'storm tank' (Sturmpanzer), which is how it received its unofficial nickname of 'StuPa' among the troops. It was the Allies that dubbed it 'Grouch'. In its various production runs, it used the chassis from the Pz.IV model E, F and G tanks. The cabin underwent significant changes and the SPG was given add-on armour in the form of screens on the sides of the hull. The Brummbar used special tracks designed specifically for the war on the Eastern Front. No armour piercing ammunition is included in the list of shells used, since the vehicle was not designed for jousting other tanks, however it did use the powerful 38 kg high-explosive shells and hollow-charge shells.

In War Thunder, the Brummbar is very similar to the ISU-152 Beast Slayer in its gameplay: it has similar armament, a similar calibre, comparable speed and invokes a similar sense of fear in the opposing team - however, there is an interesting fact - though its shells had less projectile mass, they had more explosive - 8.6 kgs against 5.9 kgs of the ISU-152 shells. As has already been noted, the front of the SPG's cabin is very well armoured, but you have to take good care of its sides and rear: the side armour thickness is 50 mm on upper works, 20 mm on the hull and 20-30 mm in the rear.

The high calibre of its howitzer and the heavy shells require the gunner to use high lead angles, but a direct hit from one of its high-explosive 'gifts' deals simply catastrophic damage, as a rule sending any opponent back to the hangar with one or two hits. Its ammunition complement of 38 shells is enough for any battle, even the most active

Click for Westland Wyvern Profile

The Westland Wyvern

The Westland Wyvern was actively developed after the end of the Second World War. The immediately noticeable distinctive features of this aircraft are its far from everything that makes it stand out from its contemporaries. The aircraft is equipped with a turboprop engine, which provides an impressive weight-lifting ability. Finally, it is armed with four 20mm cannons which automatically make it a dangerous opponent to any opponent.

Due to the originality and unusualness of its design, development of the aircraft dragged on for a long time. The first prototype took to the skies in 1946, but series production of the Wyvern didn't start until 1953! Late for the Korean War, the carrier-borne plane managed to take part in battles of the Suez Crisis. Nonetheless, the combat history of this aircraft does not stand out as one of variety and depth.

That said, in War Thunder the Wyvern has every chance to prove itself all over again. The chief advantage of this turboprop aircraft is its flexibility. Apart from its fantastic frontal cannons, the aircraft can also be armed with torpedoes, bombs or impressive rockets. With a complement of 16 rockets, the Wyvern will be a deciding force in mixed battles in War Thunder. Naturally, even the most unusual vehicles in the game have their weaknesses. Paradoxically enough, for the Westland Wyvern it is speed. The aircraft has trouble flying faster than 380 mph (611 km/h), and can only manage that only at low altitudes. A peculiarity of the Python engine is that at higher altitudes, its power drops catastrophically. Apart from that, it has no defensive weaponry, so it is recommended to avoid letting anyone get on your six.

Click for T-29 Profile

The T-29 Experimental Monster!

The T29 was an experimental vehicle that was designed as a weapon against German heavy tanks at the end of the war. Alas, the prototype took until 1947 to build, at that point the US army no longer had need for such an expensive and heavy tank. But that didn't mean that all their efforts were wasted: elements of the T29 design were used in the development of almost all later US tanks during the Cold War.

Its mass of 64 tons is huge even for a tank of this class. But all this weight didn't come about by accident: its spacious turret was equipped with a 105mm T5E2 cannon: incredibly powerful and frightening in its appearance alone. Additionally, the tank had impressive armour - almost 300 mm at the front of the turret! The front of the hull was also protected by thick armour plates set at a steep angle, though they were somewhat weaker than those installed at the front end of the German Tiger II. The American tank does looks truly frightening.

But in battle it is, of course, better to rely on its powerful 105mm gun rather than its threatening appearance. This cannon is more than sufficient to send any opponent at the same BR back to the hangar with just one successful hit - the T95 and T28 SPGs have similar guns. The other features of the tank in total allow classic heavy tank strategies to be used: don't be afraid to expose yourself to the enemy as long as you don't let them hit the weak spots of your armour, cover medium tanks in attack and use your power to press for an advantage. Just make sure to hide the lower frontal armour plate and turret sides from the enemy.

Patch 1.61 "Glory road"

Patch 1.61 "Glory road"

Patch Video

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New Tank Profile,

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Click for Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar Profile

Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar - The high-calibre Grouch

The Brummbar (German - "grounchy bear") is a self-propelled gun on a Pz.IV medium tank chassis, created to directly accompany infantry in urban warfare and to destroy fortified structures. The SPG was produced from 1943 to 1945 and took part in battles on both the Eastern and Western fronts. Advancing in battles alongside storm troops, the Brummbar suppressed firing positions and destroyed sniper and machine gun nests with the help of its monstrously powerful gun - the 150 mm Stu.H 43 (L/12) howitzer. The Brummbar's excellent armour protected it not only from bullets and shrapnel, but also from anti-tank guns - the armoured frontal projection reaches 100 mm in thickness at a reasonable sloped angle.

The military classified this tank as a 'storm tank' (Sturmpanzer), which is how it received its unofficial nickname of 'StuPa' among the troops. It was the Allies that dubbed it 'Grouch'. In its various production runs, it used the chassis from the Pz.IV model E, F and G tanks. The cabin underwent significant changes and the SPG was given add-on armour in the form of screens on the sides of the hull. The Brummbar used special tracks designed specifically for the war on the Eastern Front. No armour piercing ammunition is included in the list of shells used, since the vehicle was not designed for jousting other tanks, however it did use the powerful 38 kg high-explosive shells and hollow-charge shells.

In War Thunder, the Brummbar is very similar to the ISU-152 Beast Slayer in its gameplay: it has similar armament, a similar calibre, comparable speed and invokes a similar sense of fear in the opposing team - however, there is an interesting fact - though its shells had less projectile mass, they had more explosive - 8.6 kgs against 5.9 kgs of the ISU-152 shells. As has already been noted, the front of the SPG's cabin is very well armoured, but you have to take good care of its sides and rear: the side armour thickness is 50 mm on upper works, 20 mm on the hull and 20-30 mm in the rear.

The high calibre of its howitzer and the heavy shells require the gunner to use high lead angles, but a direct hit from one of its high-explosive 'gifts' deals simply catastrophic damage, as a rule sending any opponent back to the hangar with one or two hits. Its ammunition complement of 38 shells is enough for any battle, even the most active

Click for T-62 Profile


The Soviet T-62 medium tank is the direct successor to the T-55 and T-54, but was, unlike either of them, created to fight directly against enemy armoured vehicles. A tank with a job like this is first of all a cannon - and it was with the cannon that the development of the T-62 began. By the end of the 50s, it became clear that Soviet tanks were no longer capable of confidently fighting the latest tanks from the West on an equal footing. This led to a decision in 1959 to perform experimental design works with a view to mounting a 115 mm cannon in the turret of a T-55 medium tank. After tests in the factory and on the training ground, the vehicle was designated the T-62 and the first series rolled off the production line as early as 1961. The tank turned out to be a great success - roughly 20,000 vehicles of this model were produced, and the several countries friendly to the USSR purchased a license to produce them. The T-62 has been in the pipeline for War Thunder for a long time, since the tank's chassis served as a base for several other very interesting vehicles from the Cold War era. One of them, the IT-1 missile vehicle, we presented in a previous update, War Thunder 1.59: Flaming Arrows. Now it's time for the T-62 itself to burst onto the battlefield in War Thunder.

The T-62 will take a top-tier position in War Thunder in the Soviet medium tank tech tree, immediately after the T-54 tanks. The T-62 has identical armour to the T-54 and comparable mobility, but a more powerful cannon, with two types of armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot shells (APFSDS), high-explosive shells, and of course, hollow-charge non-rotating shells with the ability to pierce armour up to 440 mm in thickness. The high caliber of the cannon has its cost in the form of increased reload time, amounting to a 12 seconds for an experienced crew.

The T-62's chief opponent in the game will be the top-tier tanks of the US and Great Britain, primarily the M60, M60A1 and the Chieftain Mk III, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages in comparison to the T-62. As for which tank is to become the most effective in high-ranked battles, that's up to the players

Click for Profile

In Patch 1.59 we've seen more than new 20 vehicles including the all-new ATGM tanks and plenty of other improvements! Including;


Port of Novorossiysk

Aircraft Mission: [Operation] Boulogne-sur-Mer

Aircraft Location: British Coast, France & the English Channel

1.63 gossip and possible leaked tanks